Below is a copy of the blurb on the station's site.
9月5日(火) 15:00〜17:00
コーディネーター:小林 慶太郎先生 (四日市大学地域政策研究所 助教授)
パネリスト:市田 與惣次さん (株式会社東海テクノ会長)
ダニエル・カークさん (四日市大学 総合政策学部 教授)
豊田 忠正さん (笹川5丁目自治会 会長)
宮本 隆弘さん (三重県健康福祉部 地域福祉室 副室長)
The organizers of the program wanted me to give my insights into how retirement works differently for Japanese and Americans. My basic line was that there shouldn't be age discrimination against people, and the best thing people can do for the society in general is to stay physically and emotionally healthy and contribute as they see fit. I also mentioned, when there was some discussion of how organizations can be created as frameworks for people to volunteer and contribute, that there is a conspicuous absence of religious organizations in the discussion. What is the role of temples, shrines and churches in Japan?
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