Friday, September 11, 2009

Twitter Follow Fridays: A blog version

This is @yokkaichi1, and at this posting I have 723 tweets on Twitter. At first it was hard to warm up to, probably because I wasn't interacting with people. Now that I am interacting, and have found people who post ideas that resonate, I find it an indispensable part of my professional life.

Follow Fridays have always been something of a chore, and after reading Did @PhilBaumann Just Save Follow Friday?, I have decided to put my Follow Friday recommendations here.

@FarmerPhil, @Kalinagoenglish, @gilesmitchell, @parkhills, @barbsaka, @SugarJo, @cecilanobre, @claytoniantomb, @palmerve, @TheEngTeacher, @englishraven, @CotterHUE

I read so many more, but if you are looking to get started, here is a list of a few of the tweeters I couldn't do without. 

1 comment:

Joanne Sato said...

Thank you so much for the #follow Friday. Twitter is one of those strange things which you read about everywhere but never quite get until you actually do it. I love the ideas thrown up by it they are useful, not only for my classroom and research, but also for my life here in Japan. You find this blog. I only have Japanese friends around me and so find interacting with other foreigners makes a nice change.

It does take a while to get used to but the interactive part is fun. Start tweeting, send me a tweet and interact! @SugarJo