Wednesday, April 13, 2005

First class of the new academic year

Today marks the beginning of the new academic year, and my class was first period for the first-year students. We did a scavenger hunt, which was an activity that I had done last December, at the end of the second semester. I regretted waiting so long, because it worked so well to build comraderie in that class. One student even said, "This is the first time I've ever had fun in an English class." So I did it in my first class this semester, and again, it worked pretty well.

There are 15 students in the group, so we worked in three groups of five. Each group had the same items to find, but I did not give them any help. They had trouble with some of the English, but they worked together and hammered it out. Here's what they had to find:

1. What number is Mr. Kirk's office?
2. What is the picture on his office door?
3. How many sculptures are in front of Professor Yoshimura's office?
4.How many benches at the bus stop (under the roof)?
5. What are your team members' names?
6. How many paintings are there in the lobby of building #9?
7. How many floors in the library?
8. What time is the mail collected from the mailbox in front of the Administration Bldg?
9. There are five kinds of garbage collected at this school. What are they?
10. What is the tallest building on campus?
11. Who is in room 9507?
12. What is the Yokkaichi University's President's name?
13. What is the title of one Enlgish newspaper in the library?

My main point was that they are encouraged to work together. Everyone benefits from a cooperative atmosphere.

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