Thursday, March 11, 2004

The police are all over foreign crime...or fear mongering

Yes, our constabulary has the situation in hand and they are doing their bit to clamp down on the foreign crime...aren't they?

The headline reads "No. of crimes involving foreigners in 2003 tops 40,000." The Japanese headlinereads "来日外国人犯罪、過去最多 就学・留学は5年で2.4倍" (Arrests of Foreign Criminals in Japan, Trade Schools Students・Exchange Students Rise 2.4 Times in 5 Years.) According to these fine papers, the number of crimes is up. And it is. The problem is that they only tell part of the story. The whole story is that the percentage of crimes that foreigners commit is down. The total number of foreigners is up. Foreigners are being arrested for visa violations in record numbers, crimes only foreigners can commit. Check out this from the Guardian. The title of the article is "Suspicious minds."

Suspicious indeed. It's clear that there's some fear mongering going on, but who profits from it? Haven't figured that out yet.

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